He kid(s) . HAHA ! Wells , tomorrow start holiday ady nehh ! Awwww , I SUPER love it ! But horr , I have to attend a bengkel for 5 days . Yerr , from 8am to 2pm nehh . Like wtf huh ? Grr ! Aihh , I want to have my RAYA ! Awwwww ~ One more week to go !
Emm , just now horr , when at sch , someone jez ask me a question sounds like this .
" Eyh , wo zhen de shi hen fei mehh ? " It means , Eyh , aku mmg gemuk ke ? HAHA !
And I replied him .
" Okayy laa , mei you shen me fei . Hai hao laa '' It means , Okayy laa , tkde laa gemuk sgt . Bleyh tahan arh .
Awww ! Eyh shorty , not that FEI laa . It just that you are not soo tall , so it looks like you are FEI . HAHA ! Whatever it is , you still the best JOKER in my life laa :) Awww , love you love you . As friend laa for sure :)
FEI means gemuk :)
Shorty is the best JOKER :)
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