My Dreams ♥

Last night , I dream of him :D OMG ! It was like the best dream of mine :) That's why I love to sleep . So that I can see him in my dreams . I know why I dream of him , again . Because I kept thinking of him and it comes to my dream . Awww , I love that :") I remember all the dreams that he left :D

In my dreams , I was in the same house with him . I'm not sure thats my house or Alyn's house . Wells , that time I'm at downstairs and he was upstairs . And he text me . It sounds like this .
"Weyyh , naik atas jap . I miss you so much . I want to hug you and never let you go . Aku tahu , moments ney baru je nak mula , but akan end cepat . So , cepat lah kau naik atas , aku rindu kau sangat . Bye , love you :) "
I still remember that text . Awww ! I know it is not real , but I knw , it will happens one day :)

Bye , miss you and love you :D

Forever and Always , Super DE

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