Yeah , mickaa Bieber :)

Heyya guys . Welcome home to me . It been years I din update my blog . Soryy for that , I'm busy with another acc . Yeah , several of my friends know the link :D

Ehemmm , awwwww ! This year's Eid was damn BORED . Like seriously duff .
Aihhh , before the Haru Raya , I went to a Bengkel . Also got several frens there laaa .

Aihh , miss him .
So badly ;'(

Bye !

Bye blogger !


相反的我 ♥

wo ai ni men :)

Awww , mata sepet :)

HAHA :")

Awwww , today was SUPER boring . Err , have to attend that talk thiny . Eeeeeewwww ?! Aihh , plus , have to attent for 5 days ! And there's left 4 days more . And after that , go back kampung for raya ! Yeah ! The day that I waiting for ;D

Hmm , do nothing much today . Texting , eating , drinking . Awwww ! Yeah , I din puasa . So ? What you care huh ? Eleyh , I knw you jelos wan ^.^~~ Heeeeeee =)

Alyn will off to K to the L today . For break fast and celebrate her 15 burfday :) HAHA ! And , my DE also there :DD Awwwww ! Miss him much ;'(

Bye , wo ai ni :)

micka says :)

Alyn's 15 burfday :)

Happy burfday to you ,

Happy burfday to you ,

Happy burfday to Alyn ,

Happy burfday to you :)

Heh budak , dah tua dah kau kan . HAHA , joking laa :D Wells , good luck PMR :) Hadiah ? Wait laa , dun hap money nehh . Wanna buy new phone first . HAHA ! Okayy , after 13 years knew you , I know that you are the BEST of my friend . Awwww , I'll always share my thingy with you :) Hekk , so lastly , Love you laa budak . Forever and Always :)

W995 :)

My next target :)
Aino tak jadi :)

HAHA ! w995 better than Aino .
Why ?

Okayy ,
Aino's 3G's camera at the back .
SO , when you 3G with ppl ,
that ppl can see ur face ,
but u can't see their face :)

But horr ,
Aino is half touched screen worr ,
very cool de lehh !

Yeah , 1 more thing ,
w995 cool ,
4 colors .
But the best is pink :D

Red too borink ,
black is like my fon's color naw .
Silver , errr , bad !
Pink is the best .

Although I dun like PINK ! :)

I wan buy fon first , DSLR can wait for 1 more year :)

Maybe will buy this :)

Shorty Elmo :)

Hye again :)
Wanna share something .

Lau Kar Hwa dun even know his father's name :D
Awwww , that's funny !
Aihh , this little kid harr , really noob :)

You're The BEST thing , that ever been mine :)

He kid(s) . HAHA ! Wells , tomorrow start holiday ady nehh ! Awwww , I SUPER love it ! But horr , I have to attend a bengkel for 5 days . Yerr , from 8am to 2pm nehh . Like wtf huh ? Grr ! Aihh , I want to have my RAYA ! Awwwww ~ One more week to go !

Emm , just now horr , when at sch , someone jez ask me a question sounds like this .
" Eyh , wo zhen de shi hen fei mehh ? " It means , Eyh , aku mmg gemuk ke ? HAHA !
And I replied him .
" Okayy laa , mei you shen me fei . Hai hao laa '' It means , Okayy laa , tkde laa gemuk sgt . Bleyh tahan arh .

Awww ! Eyh shorty , not that FEI laa . It just that you are not soo tall , so it looks like you are FEI . HAHA ! Whatever it is , you still the best JOKER in my life laa :) Awww , love you love you . As friend laa for sure :)

FEI means gemuk :)

Shorty is the best JOKER :)

HAHA , Stalker is stalking ppl now :)

Stop stalking me laa you 2 !
Aihh , idk wad this world gonna be after this .
Err , to many bittttcccchhh laaa !
This world gonna ruin with y'all okayy ?
HAHA ! Sakai laa .

Eleyh , aku tk kecoh pun korang nk bwat pe .
Then acal life aku korang nk kutuk pulakk , bleyh mampus lah aihh .
Alaa , kot setakat perangai cam setan tuh ,
kat AST belambak doee ,
aku rasa korang sesuai dok sana laa .
Kat sana pun banyak itik , da sesuai cgt laa tuh .
Korang kan ayam , ayam + itik = pasangan bahagia :)

Memang arh , namaa je Islam korang neyh ,
tapi otak tah mane letak .
Hell-o ?
Ad aku kisah kau nk ckp apaa pun ?
Tak batak laa weyyh .
Baik laa aku dok umah tengok HSM marathon , tak pun tengok MV Justin Bieber .
HAHA ! Faedah laa cket kan .
Bulan puasa weyyh ,
kau tk puasa kee ?

Emm ,
budak sch aku yang cina sume tu pun faham doe .
Even dyorang drop pun yang real ,
aish .
Tak faham betul laa aku ng budak zaman skang .
Suka sibuk hal orang kan ?
Eeeeeewwww ?!
I'm not that type laa .

Ouh sohaaaaiiii ,
I don't even care they like what kind of music pun .
What kind of fashion they are wearing .
I'm not their follower .

Even my family didn't judge about all that ,

I wanna buy Supra , I like laa !
I wanna buy Guess , my fav laa !
I wanna buy Miss Whatever , I love it laa !
I wanna kill you , ouh no cannot !

Dumb you ass !

Bye ! Love you laa stalker(s) !


Just bought a new GUESS handbag :") Yeay ! I love it so much . Emm , its black . Kinda like the pict up there . But smaller a bit . And black in color . Awwwww !